Friday, June 5, 2020

Discuss The Role Of English Quarkers In America Correction System - 550 Words

Discuss The Role Of English Quarkers In America Correction System (Term Paper Sample) Content: Correction SystemsStudent NameDateIntroductionThe English Quakers believed in an inner light, that God reveals himself to humans by use of words and actions CITATION Son14 \l 1033 (Sonderlund, 2014). They believed in spiritual equality and gender. This led to the need for redemption in the American correction system. The criminals underwent starvation, lack of proper, sheltering and clothing. Criminals were put together regardless of the crime committed, the age of the offender, gender or health conditions. The unprogrammed ways of treating criminals became wanting, it needed a well designed and outlined procedure to seek more humane treatment of prisoners. Jails were used to detain offenders awaiting trials. A prison was a place designated for debtors, people who failed to adhere to political regulations and religious offenders CITATION Har15 \l 1033 (Harrisonburg, 2015). The Quakers were noted to be the religious offenders who failed to pay taxes and bow for the n oble. This resulted in three-quarters of the men in Quakers religion serve imprisonment.William Penn was the founder of the Quakers in 1680 CITATION Fro12 \l 1033 (Frost, 2012).Charles (II) owed Penns father a huge debt. For settlement of the debt, Charles gave him a large tract of land. Due to the Quakers suffering in prisons, William Penn geared for change in the Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and New Jersey correctional system. He believed in a society that alleviates the miseries of public prisons. Richard Wister was among the people who whistle blown against starvation in prisons; he prepared soup and gave to prisoners. This opened a new dawn and era. The remarkable roles played by English Quakers in developing American correction system cannot therefore be under estimated which include;Reducing Number of capital CrimesPenns great law aims were to reduce the number of capital crimes, the development of modern penology to substitute imprisonment for hard labor and corporal punishme nt CITATION Nag15 \l 1033 (Nagler, 2015). He argued that the penitentiary was an institution to segregate criminals from the general public and from each other for the purpose of individual mediation, intervention and seek repentance. He believed in hard labor as a form of punishment other than idleness in the prisons which do not add value to the criminal.Separation of Prisoners According to Gender and Magnitude of Crime CommittedHe advocated for the modern prison which allows cellular separations other than a collective one. This gradually changed the prison to a workhouse for education purpose and personal growth CITATION Mac16 \l 1033 (Macdonald, 2016). He argued that bails should be offered for minor offenses rather than being subjected to idleness in the prisons.Respect in Handling the OffendersHe called for optimal treatment of the criminals by offering food, proper hygiene, and lodging. Female offenders to be handled with dignity rather than being harassed sexually.Introdu ction of Restorative JusticeThese restorative practices included; deterrence, rehabilitation, re-integration, inclusion and retribution. Deterrence was the theme of philosophy, Penn advocated for individual punishment other than severe punishment that views a criminal as a model to discourage the general public from committing a crime. A system of crime prevention through adequate education and awareness.He claimed that the society had a role to play in the reformation of a society; he focused on the nature of the crime itself. He advocated that if both the offender and offended could be given a chance to express themselves with the aid of a mediator, things would be totally different. The advantage is that the victim will heal and the offender has the chance of being restored to the community CITATION Dzu15 \l 1033 (Dzur, 2015)In 1787, through the works of Dr. Benjamin Rush who sought for reformation in the systems. He came up with a well defined correctional system and the need t o protect the society from crime CITATION Run1...